Tuesday, October 9, 2007

China Novel/Martial Art info

大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。古垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间、樯橹灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人间如梦,一尊还酹江月。 苏轼《念奴娇 赤壁怀古》

怒发冲冠,凭阑处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切。 靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭?驾长车、踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙 岳飞《满江红》

老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。欲报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。  酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨!持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。 苏轼《江城子 老夫聊发少年狂》

Xianglong Shiba Zhang (18 Dragon-Subduing Palms)
(降龍十八掌/降龙十八掌) 亢龍有悔 / 亢龙有悔 飛龍在天 / 飞龙在天 龍戰於野 / 龙战于野 潛龍勿用 / 潜龙勿用 利涉大川 / 利涉大川 鴻漸於陸 / 鸿渐于陆 突如其來 / 突如其来 震驚百里 / 震惊百里 或躍在淵 / 或跃在渊 神龍擺尾 / 神龙摆尾 見龍在田 / 见龙在田 雙龍取水 / 双龙取水 魚躍於淵 / 鱼跃于渊 時乘六龍 / 时乘六龙 密雲不雨 / 密云不雨 損則有孚 / 损则有孚 履霜冰至 / 履霜冰至 羝羊觸藩 / 羝羊触藩
The famous and fearsomely powerful martial art of the Beggars' Sect. It was created by the book, I Ching. It was taught to Guo Jing by Northern Beggar Hong Qigong (洪七公), then the eighteenth reigning Beggars' Sect Chief and one of the five greatest martial arts masters of the time. It is mentioned in the novel that this technique is the single most powerful waijia or external style martial art in the world, being unmatched in its ferocity, meticulosity, and sheer power. Xianglong Shi Ba Zhang became Guo Jing's most powerful martial art skill and his default fighting technique.

1) Wang Chongyang (王重陽) - Known as Zhong Shen Tong (中神通) or Central Divinity. Before he founded his Taoist school of martial arts, Quan Zhen Sect,
Scripture of Jiu Yin (九陰真經 Jiu Yin Zhen Jing).
Xian Tian Shen Gong
Quan Zhen MA

2) Huang Yaoshi (黄藥師) - Known as Dong Xie (東邪) or East Heretic/East Evil. His name means "Medicine Master Huang"; nicknamed "Huang Lao Xie" (黃老邪 "Old Strange Huang")SKILLS:
Renowned technique the Divine Finger Thrust/Divine Art of Flicking Fingers, Jade Flute Sword Technique, Tao Hua Luo Ying Zhang, arts of strategies and formation)
Flower Falling Devine Sword Palm. [落英神劍掌]

3) Ouyang Feng (歐陽鋒) - Known as Xi Du (西毒) or West Poison. His obsession with the Jiu Yin Zhen Jing blinded him and darkened his personality
Known for his Toad stance蛤蟆功
Serpent Fist and staff 灵蛇拳、和透骨打穴法, both of which could deliver crippling or even lethal poison.
Reverse Nine Yin Manual (九陰真經 Jiu Yin Zhen Jing).

4) Duan Zhixing (段智興) - Known as Nan Di (南帝) or South Emperor. He was the ruler of Dali, an independent country in southern China.
Famous for his Yi Yang Finger一陽指, which had both medical and combat applications.
Xian Tian Shen Gong 先天功

5) Hong Qigong (洪七公) - Known as Bei Gai (北丐) or North Beggar. He was the eighteenth leader of the Beggars' Sect and loved gourmet food and wine
Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang (降龍十八掌 “The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms”),
Dog Beating Stick techniques

6) Duan Yu (段譽) - Prince of Dali. He becomes sworn brothers with Qiao Feng and Xu Zhu. He acquired three powerful martial arts skills and becomes immune to poison after unintentionally eating Zhu Ha (a poisonous toad). Skills:
Bei Ming Shen Gong ("The divine skill of the north", 北冥神功), which enables him to absorb an opponent's inner energy, or Qi, rendering them powerless. Duan Yu however did not learn this skill in it's entirety, thus unable to execute it at will.
Liu Mai Shen Jian ("The divine sword masteries of the six channels", 六脈神剑), which allows him to materialize his energy into the shape of a sword blade, channel it through six veins in his hand, and discharge it through his fingers with devastating effect. Once again, Duan does not have full mastery over the skill until the advanced stages of the story. This is arguably the most powerful martial art in all of Jinyong's novels.
Ling Bo Wei Bu ("Wave-like Subtle Steps", 凌波微步), a skill of rapid movement and manouevres, enables him to escape from enemies.
Duan Yu is also immune to poison: by complete accident, he swallowed the Zhu Ha (朱蛤, a poisonous toad), which instead of killing him, provided him with poison-repelling powers

7) Xu Zhu (虛竹) - A Shaolin monk, known for his kind-hearted and submissive nature, yet acquired tremendous skills.
Life-Death Talisman (Sheng Shi Fu)

6 Yang Palm
内功: 北冥神功、小無相功

8) Qiao Feng (喬峰) - later assumes the name Xiao Feng (蕭峰). Known as "Northern Qiao Feng" (after his usual base), Qiao Feng was one of the two Wulin legendary heroes in this novel and a powerful martial artist.
· Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang (降龍十八掌 “The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms”)
Dog Beating Stick techniques
· Demon-Subduing Palms, Dragon Claws Shaolin Arts
· 还有少林七十二绝技之一的「龙爪手」;得意武功為「排雲雙掌]

9) Sweeper Monk - An unknown persona within the Shaolin temple that was outside the temple hierarchy but had unbelievably powerful martial arts skills. He was able to "kill" Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo with one hit, but was wounded by Xiao Feng's blow. Near the end of the series, both Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo forget their hatred and become the sweeper monk's disciples.

10) Du Gu Qiu Bai nickname "Sword Devil".
The Dugu Nine Swords.

11) Yang Guo) (杨过) (The Ancient Tomb Sect/Quanzhen/Dugu/Begger) One of the best-loved characters in writer Louis Cha's list of fictional heroes, Yang Guo came to epitomise youthful rebellion. A reluctant hero, his love affair with his teacher Xiaolongnü remains one of the classic love stories in wuxia fiction
Yang Guo encountered numerous elite martial artists and able to acquire elements of their skills. Eventually, he was able to create his unique blend, the Melancholic Palms (黯然銷魂掌).

Ouyang Feng (his foster father) teach him the basics of his Divine Toad Stance (Ha Ma Gong, 蛤蟆功).
Guo Jing brought the boy to be raised by the Quanzhen sect, a Taoist martial arts school.

Yang Guo learnt the elegant and graceful martial arts of the Gumu Pai, including the Unparalleled Lightness of Ancient Tomb, the Fist of Beauties, the Palm of Infinity supplied with the Gloves of White Silver, the Long Sash of Gold Bells, the Gold Needles of Jade Bee (玉蜂針) and the most of powerful of Ancient Tomb Sect's, the Jade Maiden Sword Play (玉女劍法). Yang Guo's memorised Quanzhen verses enabled both him and Xiaolongnü to advance and eventually succeed in mastering the Jade Maiden Sword Play.

From Hong Qigong, Yang Guo learned the clever and ingenious variations of the Dog-Beating Stick Technique, and the vengeful and malevolent Snake Staff Techniques from Ouyang Feng. However, Yang Guo did not gain full comprehension of the Dog-Beating Stick Technique, until Huang Rong taught him the accompanying verses later on.

Befriended the legendary condor (神鵰). The condor had once been a companion of the deceased legendary swordsman, Dugu Qiubai (Solo Begs-to-Lose). The condor helped Yang Guo recover from his injuries, and acquainted him with both the sword (Xuantie Zhongjian, or Heavy Iron Sword, 玄鐵重劍) and the techniques of Dugu Qiubai.

his great sadness drove him to create a set of palm techniques which he later called the Divine Melancholic Palms (An Ran Xiao Hun Zhang). It was a brand-new palm technique that rivalled even Guo Jing's powerful Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms (Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang, 降龍十八掌/ 降龙十八掌). The Divine Melancholic Palms incorporated the martial arts that Yang Guo had learnt in his lifetime, which included the skills of martial arts masters like Huang Yaoshi, Ouyang Feng, Hong Qi Gong and the skills of different schools like Quanzhen Sect and Ancient Tomb Sect, as well as some of the techniques in the Jiuyin Manual.

12) Guo Jing (郭靖) - is known as the Northern Hero (Bei Xia, 北俠)(Begger Sect)
L/R Hand Technique
Vacant Fist
Nine Yin Manual
Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang (降龍十八掌 “The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms”)
Quan Zhen MA

13) Zhang Sang Feng (Wudang)
Tai Chi Fist, Tai Chi Sword Technique
Wudang Martial Arts
Part of Nine Yin Manual

14) Zhang Wuji (Ming Jiao, Wudang)
Scripture of Jiu Yin (九陰真經 Jiu Yin Zhen Jing).
Jian Kun Da Nuo Yi(The Universal reversal) defeat the abbot of 5 major sect in a row (including shaolin!)
Wudang MA ( Taichi Chuan/Jian)
Shen Huo Lin (Devine Fire Tablet)

15) Jinlun Fawang (金輪法王) - the only expert wheel user known.
Level 10 Dragon Elepant Prana
5 Great Wheels Technique

16) Zhou Botong (周伯通) - is known as the Old Mischievous Child (老頑童) (Quan Zhen)
L/R Hand Technique
Nine Yin Manual
Quan Zhen Martial Arts

17) Dongfang Bubai(東方不敗),
Sunflower Manual (葵花寶典)
Sun-Moon Sect MA

18 ) Linghu Chong (令狐沖) –
9 Sword Techniques of Dugu (獨孤九劍),
Hua Shan Sect MA
X Xixing Dafa (吸星大法)

19) Xiao Yuan Shan. Father of Xiao Feng
Shaolin 72 Arts 少林七十二绝技

20) Murong Bo Father of Murong Fu
Shaolin 72 Arts 少林七十二绝技
Murong Family Sword play
Star Shifting technique

21) Zhuo Bu Fan (Sword God) (fake?? fan fiction) [劍芒]
Sky Crippling Sword Stance
24 Variation God and Ghost Exchange

I will try to list all the Sect, Alliance, Clans, Cults, Families etc

1) The Five Mountains Alliance (五嶽劍派)

1.1) Huashan Sect (華山派) Yue Buqun(岳不羣), leader of Huashan Sect, SKILLS:
· Bixie Jianfa (辟邪劍法) manual.
· ZiXia Shengong

1.2) Taishan Sect (泰山派)

1.3) (North) Hengshan Sect (恆山派)
Mo Da 莫大 leader of Hengshan Sect 外號「瀟湘夜雨]

1.4) (South) Hengshan Sect (衡山派)
Lin Hu Chong

1.5) Songshan Sect (嵩山派)
Zuo Lengchan(左冷禪) the leader of Songshan Sect
Han Bing Zhen Qi(Freezing Breath) that freezes his internal energy to sub-zero temperature, thus increasing its power tremendously.

2) Sun-Moon Sect, also known as the "Demon Cult" (日月神教) Ren Woxing (任我行) : His name literally means "Go as I please." SKILLS:
Xixing Dafa (吸星大法) which can absorb the internal energy of any martial arts exponent
Dongfang Bubai(東方不敗), SKILLS:
Sunflower Manual (葵花寶典)

Xiang Wen Tian 向問天日月神教光明左使

3) Qingcheng Sect (青城派)
Yu Canghai(余滄海), leader of Qingcheng Sect
He is known for his ''Song Feng Swordplay(Swordplay of the Pine Winds), which allows him to surround his foes in a green shadow.

4) Wudang Sect (武當派) Zhang Sanfeng, the founder/leader of Wudang Sect Priest Chongxü (冲虚道长): Leader of the Wudang Sect. Was defeated in a match by Linghu Chong while disguised as a farmer. White Eye Brow(白眉神君)
Tai Chi Fist, Tai Chi Sword Technique
Wudang Martial Arts
Part of Nine Yin Manual

Zhang Cui Shan. Father of Zhang Wu Ji.

5) Shaolin Sect (少林派)
Reverend Kong Jian, Kong Xing, Fang Zhang, Xie Xun, Wong Fei Hong, Fang Shi Yu,
· 千手如来掌, Demon-Subduing Palms,
· Dragon Claws「龙爪手」 (Shaolin 72Arts) 少林七十二绝技之一
· Diamond Chan Roaring Lion.(Roar energy skill)(Shaolin 72Arts) 少林七十二绝技之一
· Yi Jing Jing (Yi Jin Scripture) 《易筋经》
· Xi Shui Jing (Wash Marrow Scripture) 《洗髓經》
· 少林七十二绝技

6) Beggars' Sect (丐幫幫主)Hong Qigong (洪七公), Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Xiao Feng, Yang Guo, Tie Chou(Iron Mask), Shi Huo Long, Long Fei Wu, Wang Jiantong(丐帮帮主汪剑通) (leader before xiao feng), Jie Feng etc
· Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang (降龍十八掌 “The 18 Dragon Subduing Palms)
· Dog-Beating Stick Technique (打狗棒法)
· Dunken Arhat, Sleeping Arhat Fist.

7.1) Xiaoyao Sect (逍遥派) Wu Ya Zi (無崖子) - Grandmaster of the Xiaoyao Sect Tian Shan Tong Lao (天山童姥) , Li Qiushui (李秋水), Xu Zhu
Life-Death Talisman (Sheng Shi Fu)
6 Yang Palm
内功: 北冥神功、小無相功

7.2) Xingxiu Sect
Ding Chunqiu (丁春秋) head of Xing Xiu Sect (星宿派),
Hua Gong Da Fa (Energy Disaparting technique)

8.) Murong Family (Gusu Murong Shi jia)
Murong Fu (South Murong), Murong Bo
Iron Cloud Stance (Murong Family Swordplay)

9) Duan Family 段
Duan Zhixing (段智興) - Known as Nan Di (南帝) or South Emperor
Duan Yu, Duan Yan Qing, Duan Zhen Chun.
Yi Yang Finger,
6 Mei Shen Jian

10) Dongfang Family 東方
11) Nangong Family 南宮
12) Ximen Family西門
13) Beiming Family 北冥

Others 司空 (Sikong)、皇甫 (Huangpu)、夏候 (Xiahou)、司馬 (Sima)、諸葛 (Zhuge)、鮮于 (Xianyu), 獨孤 (Dugu) 14) The Red Flower Society (红花會), Chen Jialuo, high leader of the group Wu Chen, -2nd in comand (taoist)

15) Ming Cult 明教
Ranking consist of the clan leader, 2 peak protector, 4 great guardian follow by 3 queer man. Army divided into “Wu Xing Qi” 5 shape flags, and 3 (heaven, earth, forget ) factions. With other minor leaders drafting (Yi Jun) volunteer army to fight the government

"The Ming Cult originated in Persia and its' original name was Mani Cult. It was introduced in China during the reign of Female Emperor Wu Zetian in the first year of Yanzai of the Tang dynasty. The Persian� presented the Bible of Dualism to the court. Since then, the Chinese began to study this scripture� Ming Cult temples were erected in Chang'an and Luoyang named "Great Cloud Temple of Light"� But in the third year of Huichang, the imperial government ordered the execution of Ming followers, the power of the cult was severely weakened. Since then, the Ming Cult became a banned religion� for survival, the Ming Cult was forced to operate in secret. Eventually the name of Monijiao (Mani Cult) was bastardized into Mojiao (Demon Sect)�"
.Zhang Wuji (張無忌) (明教教主)
Yang Ding Tian阳顶天 (明教教主)
Jiu Yang Zhen Jing,
Jian Kun Da Nuo Yi(The Universal reversal) defeat the abbot of 5 major sect in a row (including shaolin!)
Scepters of Holy Fire

Yang Xiao (“Left” Brightness Peak Protectors) 光明二使(“逍遥二仙”)——光明左使杨逍
Jian Kun Da Nuo Yi(The Universal reversal

Fan Yao (“Right” Brightness Peak Protectors) 光明二使(“逍遥二仙”)——光明右使范遥

Xie Xun (谢逊) Golden Haired Lion King金毛狮王, is one of the four guardians of Ming Sect and godfather of Zhang Wuji. he is the one that make "Lion Roar" famous.
7 Injury Punch (7 Shan Chuan) kunlun?
Owner of the legendary Dragon Slayer Sabre

Jing Hua Po Po黛绮丝 (Golden Flower Granny/Purple Dragon紫衫龙王) one of the four guardians of Ming Sect.

Wei Yi Xiao (Green Wing Bat King) one of the four guardians of Ming Sect.
Famed for his qinggong(lightfoot)
Famous for sucking blood from his victim thus the name.(actually is a illness)

15.1) Heaven Eagle Sect. 天鹰教 Yin Ye Wang(White Eyebrow Eagle King), one of the four guardians of Ming Sect.
Famed for his Eagle Claw skill.. (on par with Shaolin Dragon Claw technique)

Others includes:
Zhu Yuan Zhang ( only one of ming cult’s volunteer army leader) which becomes the founder of the Ming dynasty.
Ying Su Su (mother of Zhang Wu Ji)
Yang Bu Hui
Xiao Zhao (next chief of Ming Jiao Center of Persia)
Yin Li Tin
Yin Li
Shuo Bu De( budai/bag monk),
Fang La rebel leader of the Northern Song dynasty once was a leader of the Ming Cult

16) Emei 峨嵋(山)派Miejue (滅絕) 灭绝师太 is the dogmatic leader of the Emei sect
Zhou Zhi Ruo
Guo Fu – Founder of Emei (Daughter of Guo Jing)
Skills : Nine Yin White Bone Claw (九陰白骨爪)

17) The Ancient Tomb Sect Yang Guo(楊過) Xiao Long Nu(小龍女). Li Mochou(李莫愁) - is known as the Serpent Deity Grand Ancestress Lin Chaoying
Swordplay of Jade Maiden" (玉女素心劍法)or "Jade Maiden Heart Manual"
The Fist of Beauties (美女拳法)is a graceful and seemingly harmless technique where all the moves are named after gestures of famous beauties in the past dynasties.
The Palm of Infinity Web (天羅地網勢) is a major swift defensive technique

18.) Quanzhen -Wang Chongyang Leader Guojing, Yang Guo, Yang Kang, Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji and 5 others(known as the Seven Masters of Quanzhen)
The Big Dipper Formation
Pre-heaven Skill
Quanzhen internal energy cultivation
Quanzhen swordsmanship, i.e., the Swordsmanship of Common Demise
Quanzhen palm styles, i.e., Treading Frost and Breaking Ice Palms

19) Heaven and Earth Society 天地會 Chen Jinnan, Chen Jia Ruo
19.1) Hongmen 洪門 "Hong Gate,"
19.2) Sanhehui 三合會 "Three Harmonies Society".

20) Iron Palm Sect
Qiu Qianren (裘千仞) - The leader of Iron Palm Sect(鐵掌幫).
Iron Palm, qing gong skills (speed travelling), which was advanced enough to enable him to traverse over water

21) 5 Poison Sect Lan Feng Huang (藍鳳凰): Leader of the 5 Poison Sect

22) Peach Blossom Island.
East Heretic (Dong Xie) Huang Yaoshi Mei Chaofeng The Iron Corpse (鐵屍) Huang Rong. ( begger sect leader/wife of Guo Jing)
Jade flute which, when imbued with his prodigious internal energy, could drive a person to madness
technique the Divine Finger Thrust.
Jiu Yin Zhen Jing.
Nine Yin White Bone Claw (九陰白骨爪 )

23) Southern Sea Sect

24) Kun Lun Sect,

25) Holy Dragon Sect,
Leader Hong Antong
Hua Gu Mian Zhan ( Bone Melting Palm)

27) Mongolia
Jinlun Fawang (金輪法王) Mongolia's Defense Master.
Ao Bai Mongo First In Martial Arts.
Jiu Mozhi (鳩摩智)- An evil Tibetan monk
Disciple’s Daerba, Huodu Jinlun

Zhao Min (Mongolia Princess)

others: 包括武當(山)派,峨嵋(山)派,崆峒(山)派,崑崙(山)派,點蒼(蒼山)派,華山派,青城(山)派,嵩山少林派等等。除嵩山有武僧紀錄之外,其他都屬子虛烏有。

Hmm after thinking.. there are more kung fu legends.
1) Dugu Qiubai ( 独孤求败) was a character mentioned in three of Jinyong's novels. He was given the nickname "Sword Devil" to reflect his skill and devotion in swordsmanship.
Skills: The Dugu Nine Swords. The second move, Sword-defeating Stance, is to defeat sword styles from every school.
The third move, Broadsword/Knife-defeating Stance, is to defeat broadsword/knife moves of Single Knife, Double Knives, Willow-Leaf Cutlass, Ghost-Beheaded Saber, Large Cleaver, and Horse-Cutting Blade, etc.
The fourth move, Spear-defeating Stance included techniques to defeat pole weapons such as long-handled spear, long-handled halberd, snake-shaped spear, staff, fanged cudgel, white wax stick, Buddhist monk’s staff, and Buddhist monk’s spade.
The fifth move, Mace-defeating Stance is to defeat short weapons such as steel club, iron mace, point-sealing peg, crutches, Emei sting, dagger, war axe, iron plate, octagonal hammer, and iron awl.
The sixth move, Whip-defeating stance is to defeat flexible weapons such as long cord, whip, three-section cudgel, chain spear, iron chain, fishing net, and morningstar.
The seventh move, Palm-defeating Stance is to defeat martial arts which uses one’s fists, legs, fingers, and palms. If the opponent would fight against a sword with bare hands, he should be very skillful in the art that the use of weapons means little to him. The Palm-breaking Stance included techniques to overcome boxing and grappling, joint manipulation and point sealing, demon claw and tiger claw hands, iron sand divine palm, and the type of bare-hand martial arts. The eighth move, Arrow-defeating Stance covers many kinds of missiles and projectiles. To learn this stance, the practitioner must first learn the skill of distinguishing the type of the missile by ear. He not only should be capable of blocking the many kinds of projectiles coming from the enemy with his long sword, but also redirecting the missiles to counterattack and injure the enemy with his own missiles.
The ninth move, Qi-defeating Stance, is to defeat opponents who have great inner energy. In the novel, it was not clearly explained how this stance actually works.
A common evaluation among fans is that it may base on pin-pointing attacks on certain parts of the body to prevent the opponent from exerting his qi. Dugu Qiubai wrote about himself (this is what Yang Guo read at the Dugu's Tomb):

"Having roamed the martial arts world for more than thirty years, I have killed all my villainous foes and defeated all heroic champions, under Heaven there's no one who can be my equal. Without any other choice, I could only retreat and live in seclusion in this deep valley, with a condor as my companion.

Alas, throughout my life I searched for a good adversary but in vain, I am truly lonely and saddened. ~Demonic Swordman Dugu Qiubai"

My List of Top 10 Villians

1) Dongfang Bubai (東方不敗): Literally translated, his name means Invincible East. Leader of Sun-Moon Sect, also known as the "Demon Cult" (日月神教).
Skills: Kuihua Baodian (葵花寶典) “he castrated himself to learn this martial arts skill”.

2) Ren Woxing (任我行) : His name literally means "Go as I please." the former leader of the Sun-Moon Sect, also known as the "Demon Cult" (日月神教).
Skills: his most infamous martial arts technique Xixing Dafa (吸星大法) which can absorb the internal energy of any martial arts exponent, thus weakening foes and benefiting oneself at the same time

3) Ouyang Feng (歐陽鋒) - Known as Xi Du (西毒) or West Poison. His obsession with the Jiu Yin Zhen Jing blinded him and darkened his personality. Known for his Toad stance and serpent staff, both of which could deliver crippling or even lethal poison

4) Jinlun Guoshi (金輪國師) / Jinlun Fawang (金輪法王) - is known as the Living Buddha of Tibet and Mongolia's Defense Master. At the heroes' gathering in Da Shen Guan, he tried to take the title of "Head of Wulin" to stop the South Song Song Dynasty (960-1279) citizens from raising arms against the Mongolians
Level 10 Dragon Elepant Prana
5 Great Wheels Technique

5) Qiu Qianren (裘千仞) - The leader of Iron Palm Sect(鐵掌幫). He was unable to participate in the first tournament at Hua mountain, and thus was believed to be less powerful than the Greats. He took great exception to this, and was prideful of his skills. He was known for powerful Iron Palm and his qing gong skills (speed travelling), which was advanced enough to enable him to traverse over water, earning him the nickname of water-skimming (水上飄).

6) Jiu Mozhi (鳩摩智)- An evil Tibetan monk who is a close friend of Murong Bo. He is obsessed with learning the various special techniques of many styles of martial arts. Murong Bo's long and secretive stay at the Shaolin Temple allowed him to steal many important martial arts manuals, which he gave to Jiu Mozhi after he was done with them.
Shaolin’s 72 Arts.

7) Ding Chunqiu (丁春秋) - An evil traitor of the Xiaoyao Sect. He is the head of Xing Xiu Sect (星宿派), known for his mastery with poisons, as well as his treachery and deception. He was bestowed the nickname Xing Xiu Lao Guai (星宿老怪), or the "Old Demon of Xing Xiu"
Hua Gong Da Fa (Energy Disaparting technique)

8) Murong Bo (慕容博) - Murong Fu's father, who has faked his death for many years. Allowing him to commit many mysterious murders as well as secretly borrow martial arts manuals from the Shaolin Temple.
Known to be skilled in practically every style of martial arts in the world. Own a Library that include even Shaolin’s 72 Arts to Begger’s Sect dog beating staff technique.
Star Shifting Technique.

9) Duan Yanqing (段延慶) / "Overflowing Evil" (E Guan Man Ying - 惡貫滿盈) - Extremely powerful despite his form as a crippled old man. Once the Crown Prince of Dali. Leader of "The Four Evil Ones" (Si Da E Ren - 四大惡人)
Ying Yang Finger

10) Tian Shan Tong Lao (天山童姥) - Disciple sister of Wu Ya Zi and long-time nemesis of Li Qiushui, her own disciple sister. She is described as a ruthless elderly ruler of the Ling Jiu Palace (靈鹫宫), and treats her subordinates harshly.
Life-Death Talisman (Sheng Shi Fu)
6 Yang Palm

11) Murong Fu. Known as North Murong. descendant of the former Yan country's royal family; puts business before family matters; is obsessed with restoring the Yan country.
Known to be skilled in practically every style of martial arts in the world. Own a Library that include even Shaolin’s 72 Arts to Begger’s Sect dog beating staff technique.
Star Shifting Technique.

12)Cheng Kun (成昆) Because he lost his one true love to the leader of the Ming Sect, he has vowed to destroy the Ming Sect in China. He has no compunction whatsoever in whom he has to deceive, implicate, or murder in order to accomplish his goal.
Shaolin Arts

13) You Tanzhi (游坦之) / "The Iron Clown" (Tie Chou - 鐵丑) - The teenage son of a martial arts family who were killed by Qiao Feng. He became Begger Sect leader for a short peroid of time.
Shaolin’s Yi Jing Jing scripture.

14) Yue Buqun (岳不羣): The leader of Huashan sect and of its Qi faction, he had the nickname, The Gentleman Sword (君子劍). However, he gradually reveals himself to actually be a small-minded, selfish, and power hungry hypocrite
famous internal energy skill ZiXia Shengong(Violet Mist Divine Skill) which was to be passed only to the leaders of Huashan Sect. With it, he can destroy swords with total ease by just tapping them
he castrated himself in order to learn Bixie Jianfa(辟邪劍法) manuscript.

15) Zuo Lengchan (左冷禪/左冷禅): The leader of Song Mountain sect, he is an ambitious man who dreams of ruling over a united sect composed of the Five Mountain Sects. In this manner, he hopes to eventually challenge Shaolin, Wudang and Kunlun for their de facto leadership of the martial world
Han Bing Zhen Qi(Freezing Breath) 寒冰掌 that freezes his internal energy to sub-zero temperature, thus increasing its power tremendously. 大嵩陽掌

16) Yu Canghai (余滄海): Leader of the Qingcheng Sect, he massacred Lin Pingzhi's family in order to obtain their Bixie Jianfa
He is known for his ''Song Feng Swordplay(Swordplay of the Pine Winds), which allows him to surround his foes in a green shadow.

Other Villians

Lin Pingzhi (林平之) The sole survivor and the young master of
Skills: Bixie Jianfa (辟邪劍法) manuscript.

Xuanming two Elder 玄冥二老——鹿杖客鹤笔翁
Xuan Min Shen Zang (Xuan Ming Devine Palm)

Yang Kang (楊康) - The sworn brother of Guo Jing and a prince of Jin. was the disciple of Quanzhen's Qiu Chuji, and secretly became the disciple of Mei Chaofeng. He became the adopted son of Ouyang Feng. (Lex Luther type villain. Extremely clever with huge resource as a prince. Controlled a group of semi-pro villians).

Ouyang Ke (歐陽克) - The nephew and disciple of West Poison (Xi Du) Ouyang Feng. In truth, Ouyang Feng was his father, who had an affair with his sister-in-law. Infamous for abducting and raping many young women, Ouyang Ke desired a union with Huang Rong. He was killed by his friend, Yang Kang, who wanted to be the disciple of Ouyang Feng (who would pass his skills to only one disciple, which was Ouyang Ke at that time) and also because Ouyang Ke's lusted for Mu Nianci.

Chen Xuanfeng (陳玄風)- Husband of Mei Chaofeng and renegade disciple of East Heretic (Dong Xie) Huang Yaoshi (黃藥師). they stole the second volume of the Jiu Yin Zhen Jing manual. Unable to fully understand the theories therein, they used what they could decipher and adapted their own training methods, which became cruel and dark along with their personalities. He was called The Bronze Corpse (銅屍) and with his wife earned the nickname Twin Ghosts in Black Wind (黑風雙煞).
Nine Yin White Bone Claw (九陰白骨爪 )
Peach Blossom Island Skills.

Mei Chaofeng - Wife of Chen Xuanfeng and renegade disciple of East Heretic (Dong Xie) Huang Yaoshi. The teacher of Yang Kang. She was called The Iron Corpse (鐵屍) and with her husband earned the nickname The Two Ghosts in Black Wind (Heifeng Shuang Sha, 黑風雙煞)
Nine Yin White Bone Claw (九陰白骨爪 )
Peach Blossom Island Skills.

Li Mochou (李莫愁) - is known as the Serpent Deity. The apprentice sister of Xiaolongnü, she was expelled from the sect because of her love for a man who later betrayed her. She roams Jiang Hu, striking fear in men's hearts and ruthlessly causing trouble when the mood strikes her.
Ancient Tomb Sect Skills
Poison and whip skill mastery.

Gongsun Zhi (公孫止) - is the merciless master of Passionless Valley.

Huo Du (霍都) - is a prince of Mongolia and a disciple of Jinlun Fawang. Betrayed Jinlun Fawang and was killed by Jinlun’s other disciple in the end. Killed Begger sect leader Lu You Jiao and steal Begger’s sect Beating Dog Jade stick.

Chen Youliang (陳友諒)
Chen Youliang is a disciple of Cheng Kun. He convinces Song Qingshu to betray Wudang Sect and join the Beggar's Sect. Eventually, he became a major warlord in his own right.

Miejue (滅絕) is the dogmatic leader of the Emei sect. She wishes to eradicate evil and to prevent her disciples from falling under evil influences by any means necessary. Since the Ming sect has been pre-judged as an evil sect, Mie Jue will not be swayed to allow them or anything associated with them to exist.
Owner of the famous “YI TIAN JIAN” (As the Sky Sword)

"The Four Evil Ones" (Si Da E Ren - 四大惡人) is a band of four individuals known for their cruelty and malevolence. Their nicknames are Chinese idioms describing evil. Interestingly, the position of the character "惡" in their nickname idioms indicates the character's ranking in the group (for example, 葉二娘 is ranked 2nd as indicated in her nickname "無惡不作").

Duan Yanqing (段延慶) / "Overflowing Evil" (E Guan Man Ying - 惡貫滿盈) - Extremely powerful despite his form as a crippled old man. Once the Crown Prince of Dali, he was outcast and left for dead, after which he was "brought back to life" by a woman who was shrouded in light. The women turned out to be Dao Baifeng, who gave birth to his son Duan Yu.

Ye Er Niang (葉二娘) / "Commits all kinds of Evil" (Wu E Bu Zuo - 無惡不作) - Deprived of her only son, she crazily seized and killed the sons of others. It turned out Xu Zhu was her son. Later, she meets Xuan Ci, the head abbott of Shaolin whom Xiao Yuan Shan, the vengeful father of Xiao Feng, revealed as the father of Xu Zhu. Xuan Ci was then punished for breaking the monk's protocol and was beaten, and later committed suicide due to the shame. A heartbroken Ye Er Niang then killed herself.

Yue Lao San (岳老三) / "Evil Countenance" (Xiong Shen E Sha - 凶神惡煞) - Comical (but evil) individual who complained constantly about his status with regards to others (Yue Lao San always thinks he is more powerful than Ye Er Niang and calls himself Yue Lao Er 岳老二). He wields an enormous pair of scissors. He was outsmarted by Duan Yu and becomes his "apprentice". This proves useful as every time Duan Yu needs his help he simply tells him that for an apprentice to not help his master would be extremely dishonorable, Yue Lao San views his own honor very highly and therefore always helps Duan Yu. He was also known as Crocodile Spawn of the Southern Seas (南海鱷神). Despite his ignoble namesake, he proved to be a loyal disciple by sacrificing his own life to save Duan Yu. Killed by Duan Yanqing.

Yun Zhong He (雲中鶴) / "Desperate Evil" (Qiong Xiong Ji E - 窮凶極惡) - A lecherous fiend who was notorious for preying on beautiful young women. He is viciously slaughtered by Duan Yu using the Liu Mai Shen Jian near the epilogue of the story, for lusting after Wang Yu Yan.

Comic MA Chars 絕世無雙

1) 佛也魔 魔功
流星雨, 雨變化

2) 皇帝病 (大哥)
流星雨 雨變化
Shaolin Art林破空神拳

3) 九魔寨 完顏烈火 (Jiu Mo Zhai/Long Wan Yan Lie Huo) or <--------Favourite Char!
Nine Demonic Dragon Wan Yan Burning Fire (top 4 )
Skills include:
吸人壽元的「還童不死功」。 Eternal Youth Immortal Skill.
蒼老之拳 Chang Lao Zhi Chuan. Ageing Punch
霸王金身 Pa Wang Jing Shen. Gold Body.
破綻之拳 Po Zhan Zhi Chuan. Loop hole Punch.


4) 萬世教主 八思巴 蒙古國師八思巴 Mongolian Advisor Pa Shi Pa
萬世英俊 son
雷電, 風火, 冰水的力量,

5) 長白山 木無言 ( 姜氏一族)
英雄真經 The real Hero Scroll (compilation of 5 school of art)
木刀跟紙劍 Wooden Blade and Paper Sword

6) 孫虎臣 Sun Hu Chen. 守城武將 A general (top 4 once)
天虎橡皮功 Sky Tiger elastic Skill
天虎橡皮球 Energy field Bomb
天虎橡皮護身勁 Sky Elastic Defence energy field
地虎橡皮功 Earth Leather Skin Defence (吸一口氣,全身肥胖的身裁變得更像一個圓球,此招名為地虎橡皮功)

7) 劍光茫 (武聖)聯盟 (top 4 once)
英雄新經 The New Hero Scroll (五派武功 )
木刀跟紙劍 Wooden Blade and Paper Sword
Specialize on paper sword. (up to 3)

8) 龍飛舞

9) 鳳無雙

10) Shaolin 英雄正宗. (The Original Hero) 英雄正宗原是少林弟子,法號天嬰Skills:
英雄新經 The New Hero Scroll (五派武功 compilation of 5 school of art 100 years later)
木刀跟紙劍 Wooden Blade and Paper Sword

武林十傑 Top 10 heroes
1) 鐵拳
霸王金身Pa Wang Jing Shen. Gold Body.
Po Zhan Zhi Chuan. Loop hole Punch.

2-3)大象俠 and 萬世黑客 same person

4) 盲長老 Shaolin
Skills 金鐘臂

5) 一口禪 Shaolin

6) 魚獨唱 Begger Sect Chief

7) 魚龍飛 Begger Sect

8) 捕神
9) 琴聖
10) 左右四郎 超霸絕刀, 白骨劍法

11) 孫大力 (四絕高手孫虎臣之子孫大力 ) (吸一口氣,全身肥胖的身裁變得更像一個圓球,此招名為地虎橡皮功)

12) 四弟豹隱林